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Stamp Out Hunger

Since 1983, Kershaw Area Resource Exchange (KARE) has proudly served the residents of our area by providing financial assistance, resource referrals, hunger relief, and affordable shopping options at our re-sale store. This community has been so supportive and come alongside us time and time again. We are once again asking for support.

For over a decade, our Food Pantry has received canned goods in the spring by way of a nationally sponsored Stamp Out Hunger food drive where postal workers pick up donations from mailboxes and deliver them to KARE. Last year’s drive was cancelled due to COVID and we hoped for the return this year. Unfortunately, the 2021 Stamp Out Hunger collection has also been cancelled. We are focusing on financial donations this year to enable us to purchase food items we distibute to families monthly.

Will you partner with us in this endeavor? To donate financially, simply click the "Stamp Out Hunger" button and you will be redirected to PayPal. To donate food items, feel free to drop off pantry items at our store Tuesday - Friday 1-5pm, Saturdays 9am-2pm. Donations received during store hours May 17-31 will earn you a 50% discount on your entire purchase. As always, you are welcome to make donations payable to KARE and mail them to PO Box 364, Kershaw, SC  29067.


Click the image above to donate online.

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